About Us

The Batehachas’ Foundation is, non-governmental, non-profit organization with headquarters located
in Buea.
Each member is to register with a sum of 1000 frs CFA, this amount and annual contribution of 10.000frs
CFA per person, remains ours sole sources of income.
The clear notion to build up an intellectual capacity, securing access to the best academic centers on an
international level for young and capable Cameroonians, who are needed to meet the challenges of
transition, as well as, for the integration of Cameroonians into Europe and the world, is the main driving
force determining the Foundation’s philosophy.
The Foundation’s goals and objectives can only be achieved if its operations are based on merit and
transparency. Our activities are dedicated to the good of society as a whole:
It encourages the familiarization with the world achievements in the fields of culture and education.
It contributes to the consolidation of international good will, unification, and the values of human
civilization, by facilitating exchange in the fields of art, science, education, and professional training.
It encourages the development of environmental awareness.
To organize members and to facilitate collaborative dialogue, inclusiveness and improvement of
agricultural activities.
To promote livestock farming, bee farming and the collection of non-timber forest products among the
members and the entire communities
To carry out HIV/AIDS and Malaria, TB and Cancer control awareness raising and education programs
among us the members.
To support widows and children home.
To organize peace forums between conflicting communities, conflict prevention and management.
Providing empowerment programmes for single-parent mother in Cameroon society.
Promote community use of renewable energy and participation in environmental protection.
Enhance community access to current issues including the amendments of the new constitution and
information technology for development information.
Promote gender equality and cub tribalism among conflicting cultures.
To accomplish its objectives the Foundation shall frequently join efforts with other organizations,
institutions and individuals. To provide financial aid, grants scholarships and awards prizes in various
contests, organizes charity events supports publishing projects and the organization of symposia,
conventions, seminars, exhibitions, concerts, etc.
The Foundation remains and endowed organization, which main capital is gathered through donations
made by organizations and private individuals from Cameroon and abroad. The organization is an
independent and publicly supported charity