The Batehachas’ Foundation is an independent, nonprofit organization based in Buea with a network of programs that promote community development in the country.

According to a 2011 study conducted in Buea, in South West Region on the perceptions of risk and barriers to cervical cancer screening, 35 percent of the participants did not think they were at risk of cervical cancer and felt no need to screen for the condition. In this study, 22.1 percent of the respondents mentioned fear of abnormal results as the reason they would not want to be screened for cancer while 11.4 percent mentioned cost. Just 12.3 percent of the participants reported having been screened at least once before.

The more common Pap smear test requires more highly trained health providers, access to equipment and supplies, a cytology laboratory, arrangements for communicating results to screened women and a facility for confirming diagnosis.

The constraints of limited infrastructure and resources in most developing countries and the low level of awareness of opportunities for preventing the disease stimulated the formation in 1999 of  the international Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (ACCP), with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The purposes of the ACCP are to develop and evaluate innovative approaches in order to reach more women at high risk of cervical cancer with effective and feasible screening and treatment services and to persuade policymakers and program managers to make it a priority.


The youth group is committed to civic education with a mission to promote an enlightened and responsible citizenry that is committed to ensure poverty eradication through sustainable environmental conservation. The youth group aims to administer a wide range of critically acclaimed curricular, teacher-training, and community-based programs in conjunction with civic educators and activists in the country.

The principal goals of the program are to help the in:-

  • Health and social services
  • Poverty reduction
  • Institutional strengthening of local organizations
  • Enhance Capacity for managing Conflict
  • Scaling up knowledge amongst local communities

This specific program is specifically tailored for the South West Region and aims to carry out health activities involving community social workers, locals and volunteers to reduce malaria prevalence in achieving the goals identified above.


On the Project:

The project will be executed in order to; Combat common preventable communicable and non-communicable diseases and infections, provide trainings on solid and liquid waste management, give support to farmers by ensuring they adopt modern and proper farming methods, empower the women and youths within the area of coverage, support; the OVC, MARPs, PLWHA and People living with disabilities.


On the area of coverage:

A part from endemic girl child discrimination in education and female genital mutilation (FGM) in some counties in the region, there has been an increase in number of orphans and single female population within the past 2 years following a combined disasters within 22 months ago; where over 350,000 people have been displaced from their homes and thousands have lost their lives in the violence which resulted in; people living in camps (some still stay today), single parents, partial and total orphans, people with disabilities and mental health disabilities. Most of the mothers lost their husbands during the violence hence increasing the prevalence of 6% to 15% in the counties at the north rift region.

Project goals and objectives

To provide support to people living with HIV/AIDs, OVCs (Orphans and vulnerable Children) and female headed (widowed) households, to effectively ensure peaceful coexistence and conflict reduction in the region .


The Foundation is committed to civic education with a mission to promote an enlightened and responsible citizenry that is committed to ensure poverty eradication through sustainable environmental conservation. The Foundation aims to administer a wide range of critically acclaimed curricular, teacher-training, and community-based programs in conjunction with civic educators and activists in the country.

The principal goals of the program are to help the in:-

  • Health and social services
  • Poverty reduction
  • Institutional strengthening of local organizations
  • Enhance Capacity for managing Conflict
  • Scaling up knowledge amongst local communities

This specific program is specifically tailored for the some counties within South West Region and aims to health activities for the community leaders, locals and organizations on TB prevention and counseling and testing in achieving the goals identified above.