The Batehachas’ Foundation is an independent, nonprofit Foundation based in Buea with a network of programs that promote community development in the country.

The Foundation aims to increase water access thus encourage farmers, individuals, and communities access water for domestic, agricultural production and machinery in South West Region to create an agricultural system that is ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just, and humane. Because sustainable solutions depend on the involvement of the entire community, Foundation is committed to including all persons in the county without bias.

Experience in agricultural development in Cameroon makes one thing very clear – successful adaptation and widespread adoption of new farming practices must emerge from within farming communities. Community-led and community-owned efforts are the best means for fostering technical change. These efforts are most successful when communities show a willingness to vigorously identify, try out, and evaluate new practices. As it happens, many communities in the target areas have not yet made progress in the adaptation and use of soil and water conservation techniques. The project will actively build on earlier successes.